Resolving a Protect Agent Warning About Hardware Assisted Virtualization


This article provides steps to resolve the error message "Warning: To perform local screenshot verification, you must expose hardware assisted virtualization to this device and then reboot."


  • Datto Virtual SIRIS
  • Datto Virtual ALTO


A virtual Datto appliance will display this warning if it does not have access to hardware-assisted virtualization on its host hypervisor, because it cannot run nested virtual machines for local screenshot verification.

Figure 1: Hardware assisted virtualization warning


You can resolve this error by either:

  • Configuring a hypervisor connection for screenshot purposes
  • Using the hypervisor's administrative interface to expose hardware-assisted virtualization to the virtual backup device.


See Expose VMWare Hardware Assisted Virtualization in the vSphere Web Client (external website) for a walk through of this process.

NOTE  The warning banner will persist until the condition is resolved and the Datto appliance attempts the next screenshot verificaion.