BKP and BAK Backup alert codes


This article provides definitions of the Backup (BKP, BAK) alert and error codes found in Datto BCDR device logs.These error codes may appear in the logs when the Datto device is unable to complete a backup.


  • Datto SIRIS
  • Datto ALTO
  • Datto NAS

BKP0013 / BAK0013 Critical Cannot connect to the host - aborting snapshot
BAK0020 Warning The following volumes are missing:
BKP0022 / BAK0022 Warning Agent Driver is not loaded. Please restart the system to load the driver
BKP0203 / BAK0203 Error VSS Export error occurred mid-transfer - falling back to [STC|DBD]
BKP0100 Snapshot Requested
BAK0201 Warning $engine Export error occurred mid-transfer (if able to reattempt)
BKP0300 Snap was successful, returning true from takeSnap
BKP0510 / BAK0510 Error No Volumes have been selected for backup
BKP0613 / BAK0613 Critical Clearing needsBackup file
BKP0615 / BAK0615 Critical Backup skipped due to not enough free space.
BKP1201 Critical Export error occurred mid-transfer: {$error}
BKP1410 Critical VSS Promised more data than was received. This likely means some volumes failed to be backed up.
BKP1430 Warning The backup job stalled longer than $timeOutLimit seconds and was cancelled
BKP1450 Warning RollBack - The backup job was unable to complete. One or more volumes may have failed to be backed up
BKP1615 / BAK1615 Warning Disk is nearly full (only <space> GB left), backup may fail...
BKP1630 Warning Unable to retrieve agent metadata
BKP1640 Warning Unable to read cached agent info
BKP1650 Warning Backup failed as Backup job was unable to be assigned
BKP1660 Critical VSS Snap took more than $timeout seconds; canceling backup.
BKP1665 Error Backup canceled due to VSS snapshot timeout ($timeout seconds)
BKP1670 Critical cURL reports connection problems to the agent. Failed to start backup.
BKP1675 Backup did not start because there was a problem communicating with the Replay agent.
BKP1680 Critical Authentication error while communicating with SnapToVM; unable to start backup
BKP1685 Error TakeSnap returned HTTP Error State 401. The Siris was unable to correctly authenticate to the agent.
BKP1690 Critical Unknown headers received - {$result['header']}
BKP1695 Error Received an unknown HTTP response code ({$result['header']}) from Replay
BKP1700 Critical HTTP {$headers['http']} error received. Assuming that backup failed and giving up. Writing XML response to {$keyBase}{$hostname}.snapFailXML
BKP1705 Error TakeSnap returned HTTP Error State {$headers['http']}.
BKP1710 Warning XML Parser threw an error in UpdateStatus
BKP1715 Warning The backup job was unable to complete.
BKP1720 Warning Export error occurred during backup: {$error}
BKP1725 Warning Snapshot transfer stalled out.
BKP2013 Warning Unable to connect to the host.
BKP0211 Warning VSS Failure Occurred Mid-Transfer.
BKP2126 Warning NAF snapshot failure
BAK2040 Warning Unable to create disk images for backup of .$hostVol['mountpoints']
BKP2040 Warning Error creating or repairing partition for image file: <file> Exception: <exception>
BKP2202 Warning Backup failed as job ( $thisJob ) was unable to be assigned
BKP2502 Warning Bad HTTP error code - . $header['http']
BKP2615 Warning Unable to retrieve agent metadata
BKP2618 Warning The machine wants to perform a full backup, but there is not enough space on the device for that.
BAK3000 Critical Critical backup failure: Backup attempt _ of _
BKP3031 Critical Backup is hung and cannot be stopped
BKP3201 / BAK3201 Critical $engine Export error occurred mid-transfer
BKP3300 / BAK3300 Snap was successful, returning true from takeSnap
BKP9880 Warning More than four drives present, please select SATA or SCSI from Advanced Options
BKP4000 Warning Backup wasn't taken in over 24 hours.
BKP4010 Warning Backup wasn't taken in over 24 hours. - Backup stuck in queue

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