WPA Enterprise/802.1x Setup with Windows Server


This article outlines how to setup a connection to a Windows Server with 802.1x configuration to authenticate clients using a username and password.


  • Datto Access Points
  • Microsoft Windows Server


This feature requires 802.1x/NPS (Network Policy Server) configuration on the Windows Server.

Setting up your access point to communicate to a 802.1x configured Windows Server will allow clients to authenticate with an Active Directory username and password. To do so:

1. In the navigation menu, click Access Points and choose the SSID to modify.


Figure 1: The Configure tab expanded

2. Toggle Authentication on to reveal Authentication Configuration.

Figure 2: Authentication toggled on

3. In the Autthentication Type drop-down menu, select WPA Enterprise to reveal fields to input the WPA Enterprise server address, port, and server secret.

Figure 3: Authentication configuration

Additional Resources