DNS Lookup


This article describes the DNS Lookup test that can be run in the Diagnostics page within the Datto Networking Appliance's (DNA) GUI.


  • Datto Networking Appliance (DNA)


A DNS Lookup will query records within the Domain Name System (DNS) associated with a given address or domain name.

To access the DNS Lookup tool, log into the DNA web interface, and click Diagnostics, as shown in Figure 1.

mceclip0.pngFigure 1: Diagnostics

2018-05-29_9-44-22.pngFigure 2: DNS Lookup

  1. Target Hostname : This field allows you to define what host will be used for the test.
  2. DNS Sever: Allows you to choose or define what DNS server will be used. The Google Public DNS (, and the OpenDNS service ( are available by default; any custom DNS can be specified as well.