Critical backup failure: Backup failed \- log message is above \-\- backup attempt X of X


Backups of ShadowSnap-protected machines fail with the error message, "Critical backup failure: Backup failed \- log message is above \-\- backup attempt 2 of 2", "3 of 3", or "X ofX", X being the number of backup attempts.


  • Datto SIRIS
  • Datto ALTO
  • ShadowSnap Agent


This is a generic error message which can appear when a backup attempt fails. The actual error message is present within the Agent Logs.


  1. In the Datto appliance's GUI, click the Protect tab and navigate to the affected agent on the Backup Agents page.
  2. Click Show Backup Logs, as shown in Figure 1.
  3. Click Show Agent Logs, as shown in Figure 1. You will see a detailed error message related to the backup failure in the logs. Use this error message to troubleshoot the issue.

Figure 1: Steps to show agent logs