Using the VM Configuration Backup feature for Datto Windows Agent versions 2.1 and up


This article explains the VM Configuration Backup feature for Datto Windows Agent versions 2.1 and up.


  • Datto SIRIS
  • Datto ALTO


The VM Configuration Backupfeature lets you back up the VMX file on virtual machines that use the Datto Windows Agent.


To use this feature your VM must meet the following requirements:

  • There must be a valid hypervisor connection to the host on which the DWA-protected VM is running.
  • The VM must have a unique BIOS UUID.
  • The DWA Agent version must be 2.1 or newer.

Enabling Configuration Backup

  1. In the device UI, click the Protect tab, scroll to the agent you are configuring, then click Configure Agent Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the VM Configuration Backup setting, then click the Backup VM configuration file checkbox.


Figure 1: The VM Configuration Backup option